h o m e d o c u m e n t a t i o n c l a s s h i e r a r c h y

StrokeAttribute Member List

This is the complete list of members for StrokeAttribute, including all inherited members.

getAlpha() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getAttributeReal(const char *iName) const StrokeAttribute
getAttributeVec2f(const char *iName) const StrokeAttribute
getAttributeVec3f(const char *iName) const StrokeAttribute
getColor() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getColorB() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getColorG() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getColorR() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getColorRGB() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getThickness() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getThicknessL() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getThicknessR() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
getThicknessRL() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
isAttributeAvailableReal(const char *iName) const StrokeAttribute
isAttributeAvailableVec2f(const char *iName) const StrokeAttribute
isAttributeAvailableVec3f(const char *iName) const StrokeAttribute
isVisible() const StrokeAttribute [inline]
operator=(const StrokeAttribute &iBrother)StrokeAttribute
setAlpha(float alpha)StrokeAttribute [inline]
setAttributeReal(const char *iName, float att)StrokeAttribute
setAttributeVec2f(const char *iName, const Vec2f &att)StrokeAttribute
setAttributeVec3f(const char *iName, const Vec3f &att)StrokeAttribute
setColor(float r, float g, float b)StrokeAttribute [inline]
setColor(const Vec3f &iRGB)StrokeAttribute [inline]
setThickness(float tr, float tl)StrokeAttribute [inline]
setThickness(const Vec2f &tRL)StrokeAttribute [inline]
SetVisible(bool iVisible)StrokeAttribute [inline]
StrokeAttribute(const StrokeAttribute &iBrother)StrokeAttribute
StrokeAttribute(float iRColor, float iGColor, float iBColor, float iAlpha, float iRThickness, float iLThickness)StrokeAttribute
StrokeAttribute(const StrokeAttribute &a1, const StrokeAttribute &a2, float t)StrokeAttribute
~StrokeAttribute()StrokeAttribute [virtual]